Endometrial Ablation

Menorrhagia occurs in 1 out of every 5 women and is defined as unusually heavy and/or long-lasting menstrual periods. Many women do not seek treatment because they are embarrassed to discuss their periods; they think their bleeding is normal because it has always been that way; or they are afraid of the treatment options. If your period lasts a long time or is so heavy you need to change pads or tampons every 1 or 2 hours, then you may have menorrhagia.

There are several different ways to treat your heavy periods, including hormones or oral contraceptive pills, hormone-releasing IUDs; and for women who are finished having children, hysterectomy and endometrial ablation are also options.
Endometrial ablation is a procedure that permanently removes the lining of the uterus. Your physician can perform endometrial ablation in the office or outpatient surgery center. Approximately 95% of patients experience little to no significant pain during the procedure which is done under IV sedation and it does not require incisions. Patients go home the same day and are typically back to work in 1 or 2 days. Most women see a great decrease in their level of menstrual bleeding with about 91% of women reporting normal bleeding or less and 40-50% reporting no bleeding at all. Many women also had a significant reduction in painful periods and PMS symptoms.
You and your doctor can decide which treatment option is best for your menorrhagia.
Please see the following sites for more information
